Bridging the Chasm:
Christians and Political Engagement
The symposium featured experts who addressed key topics, including the development of a Christian worldview on political engagement, the challenges posed by social media, and the need for innovative biblical training in both church and seminary settings. The discussions also focused on how Christians should engage with the world, live out their faith, apply biblical teachings, and discern societal needs. Furthermore, the symposium explored ways in which believers can navigate political differences while upholding a commitment to justice and compassion.
Zoom & CESNA campus
March 1, 2024
Dr. Matthew Zhou 周學信博士(台北華神)
Dr. Tsun-En Lu 陸尊恩博士(基督使者協會)
Rev. Sze-Kai Tsui 崔思凱院牧(北美華神)
Rev. An Ping 安平牧師(普世佳音)
Dr. Agnes Chiu 趙李秀珍博士(北美華神)
Main Message:
Crossing the Gap: Christians and Political Participation
Dr. Matthew Zhou
Workshop 1A:
How to help Christians develop a kingdom mindset
Dr. Tsun-En Lu
Workshop 1B:
How to bring out the public nature of faith on the pulpit
Rev. Sze-Kai Tsui
Workshop 2A:
Queen of the Mass Media
Pastor An Ping
Workshop 2B:
Theological Seminary Entrustment~
Raising the next generation with a public mission
Dr. Agnes Chiu